At MSC, we only use our products' authorized manufacturer surplus or direct manufacturer sources. We are dedicated to giving customers authentic, original content and accurate, current documentation. We also test and check our quality components before their delivery. 


Our Quality Components

At MSC, we manufacture the latest quality electronic components in high demand in the market.


Exceptional Inductors for Reliable Performance. MSC offers a wide range of high-quality inductors that provide superior performance and precise control of electrical currents. Trust MSC for reliable inductors that meet your demanding application requirements.


Precision Resistors for Optimal Circuit Control. MSC delivers reliable and high-performance resistors that ensure accurate resistance values and stable electrical flow. Count on MSC for exceptional resistors that meet your circuitry needs with precision.


High-Quality Capacitors for Efficient Energy Storage. MSC offers a diverse selection of reliable capacitors that provide excellent energy storage and discharge capabilities. Trust MSC for capacitors that deliver optimal performance in your electronic systems.


Transforming Business Insights with Data: Unlocking the Power of Statistics at MSC Logistics

In the dynamic world of logistics, data plays a crucial role in driving operational efficiency and strategic decision-making. At MSC Logistics, we recognize the immense value of leveraging statistical data to optimize supply chain processes and deliver superior customer experiences. Through careful analysis and interpretation, we derive actionable insights, identify trends, and measure key performance indicators. Our commitment to data-driven logistics enables us to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and continuously improve our services. Experience the transformative power of statistics with MSC Logistics as we navigate the complexities of the logistics landscape, armed with valuable insights that drive success.

Customer Satisfaction Rate
95 %
On-time Delivery Performance
85 %
Customer Retention Rate
90 %
Inventory Accuracy Rate
99 %

What MSC does

We are manufacturing partners with a global network with extensive sourcing.

Manufacturing partners

MSC supports OEMs and CEMs globally as independent component resellers and manufacturing partners.

Global network

MSC has built a robust global network with various vendors, allowing us to fulfill client requirements.

Extensive Sourcing

We use our extensive sourcing expertise to optimize the distinctive supply chains of our customers.

Client Responses: Hear What Our Valued Clients Have to Say

These client responses reflect our commitment to providing outstanding service, customized solutions, and exceeding our clients' expectations. We value the trust placed in us by our clients and continue to work tirelessly to deliver exceptional logistics services that drive their success

"MSC Logistics has been an invaluable partner in optimizing our supply chain. Their attention to detail, reliability, and exceptional customer service have exceeded our expectations."
Matthew Brown


"The team at MSC Logistics is always responsive, reliable, and goes above and beyond to meet our logistics needs. They have played a key role in our operational efficiency and customer satisfaction."
Chen Wei

Supply Chain Manager

"Working with MSC Logistics has been a game-changer for our business. Their expertise, attention to detail, and ability to navigate complex logistics challenges have made them an indispensable partner."
David Thompson

Operations Director

"We highly recommend MSC Logistics for their professionalism, on-time deliveries, and exceptional customer service. They have consistently demonstrated their commitment to our success."
Leila Azizova

Procurement Manager